City of Cockburn put out a tender for the installation of single and double outreached 12.5 meter  street lighting poles and all necessary infrastructure. This was due to an existing single carriageway being developed by the City of Cockburn to duplicate the existing single lane Beeliar Drive due to an increase in the volume of traffic using this road.

Interlec’s estimating team of Paul Martens, Dionne Silcock and Tom Newnham got together and took on the job of putting together an offer for the City of Cockburn and submitting it in May of 2012. This tender went through to a council meeting shortly after the final submission date where Interlec(WA) was the successful tenderer and were awarded the contract.

Client: City of Cockburn

Location: Beeliar Drive, between Dunraven Drive and Kemp Road.

Project Duration: 9 weeks from date of award.

Scope of Work

Interlec(WA) were awarded the contract to install 21 double outreached street lights and 1 single outreached pole, with all associated cabling, excavation and horizontal directional drilling.

The Works Included

The project consisted of constructing and standing 21 steel standard double outreached poles and 1 steel standard single outreached pole. This was done using Interlec’s truck mounted crane borer and Hiab truck by Interlec’s experienced and competent crane operators and dogman team.

Each pole consisted of 250 Watt High pressure sodium luminaires and lamps which were controlled by a Photo Electric Cell – Better known as Dusk to Dawn Lighting.

This included; the installation of 55 meters of 400 square millimetre three phase aluminium underground High Voltage  feeder cable by way of open excavation and Horizontal Directional Drilling, this was done to relocate an existing High Voltage Cable which would then be under the road once the new dual carriageway was complete.

2,865 meters of 16 square millimetre neutral screened single phase copper underground street light cable installed in 50 millimetre Heavy Duty Underground Conduit by way of open excavation. These cables were fed from newly installed mini pillars and split up over three phases to see the load balanced.

560 meters of 25 square millimetre neutral screened three phase copper underground service cable installed in 50 millimetre Heavy Duty Underground Conduit by way of open excavation and horizontal directional drilling this was installed and connected to existing Western Power assets to give power to newly installed Mini-Pillars used to power up each street light circuit.

Where a cable and conduit had to cross a road Interlec’s Horizontal Directional Drilling Division were called in to install conduits under roadways. This included 3 drill shots consisting of 2 at 50 millimetre conduits for 16 and 25 square millimetre cables and 1 at 160mm for the relocation of the 400 square millimetre High Voltage feeder cable.

Interlec were working in conjunction with the City of Cockburn and Future Grid, who are an alliance of Western Power. Overall the project was a success with Interlec completing the project on-time with no sacrifice made to ensuring the safety of the companies employee’s, and most importantly the public. This was achieved with zero incidents or injuries. The client was once again happy with the outcome and the section of road could open with no “Dark Spots”.

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