City of Armadale put out a tender for the installation of double outreached 12.5 meter street lighting poles and all necessary infrastructure. This was due to a new dual carriageway being developed by the City of Armadale to accommodate the increase in traffic volume along this stretch of road.
Because of the size of the project, it was broken down into 2 separate stages and put out as 2 separate tenders.
The first stage involved works from Exchange Avenue to Wright Road, and had to incorporate the proposed 132 KV Transmission Line to be built at a later date by Western Power.
The second stage involves works to take place from Piara Drive to Exchange Avenue.
Interlec’s estimating team of Paul Martens, Dionne Silcock and Tom Newnham got together and took on the job of putting together an offer for the City of Armadale and submitting it in March of 2012. This tender went through to a council meeting shortly after the final submission date where Interlec(WA) was the successful tenderer and because of a successful history and the ability to take on large scale projects, were awarded both stages of this Project.
Project: Nicholson Road Street Lighting Stage 1 and Stage 2
Client: City of Armadale
Location: Nicholson Road between Piara Drive and Wright Road Piara Waters.
Project Duration: On-Going.
Scope of Work
Interlec(WA) were awarded the contract to install 43 double outreached street lights, with all associated control gear, cabling, excavation, craneage and horizontal directional drilling.
The Works Included
The project consists of standing 43 steel standard double outreached poles. This was done using Interlec’s truck mounted crane by an employee of Interlec who has had over 20 years experience and is more than competent to carry out the task.
Each pole consisted of 250 Watt High pressure sodium luminaires and lamps which were controlled by a Photo Electric Cell – Better known as Dusk to Dawn Lighting.
Part of the contract requirements for Interlec(WA) was to install the necessary infrastructure to allow for these lights to be energised.
This included; the installation of 700 meters of 400 square millimetre three phase aluminium underground High Voltage feeder cable Direct Buried by way of open excavation in Western Power’s 0-600 millimetre alignment.
2122 meters of 16 square millimetre neutral screened single phase copper underground street light cable installed in 50 millimetre Heavy Duty Underground Conduit by way of open excavation.
420 meters of 25 square millimetre neutral screened three phase copper underground service cable installed in 50 millimetre Heavy Duty Underground Conduit by way of open excavation.
Where a cable and conduit had to cross a road Interlec’s Horizontal Directional Drilling Division were called in to install conduits under roadways. This included 18 drill shots consisting of 14 at 50 millimetre conduits for 16 and 25 square millimetre cables and 2 at 110 millimetre for 240 square millimetre feeder cable, and 2 at 160mm to accommodate the 400 square millimetre High Voltage feeder cable.